JB Event: Sustainability Wars @ Central Park

Join us for our first annual sustainability event in honor of earth day this past April! We will be running a sustainability color wars, where four teams will be battling it out in a series of fun games with their team that focus on sustaining a healthy and happy earth. When? May 19, 1:00pm-4:30pm Where? Great Hill North picnic area…

National Mini-Camp hosted by Brandywine Valley Chapter

Every Memorial Day weekend, JB USA hosts the National Mini Camp. This weekend brings together JBers from JB USA to participate in fun, educational activities that celebrate the CISV philosophy and provide an opportunity for youth to learn, grow, have fun, and build friendships. National Mini Camp is open to all JBers, age 11-25. The…

Bon Voyage! Party

Our Annual Potluck BON VOYAGE! PARTY is on Sunday, June 10th from 1:30pm-4:30pm. We will collectively wish good luck to all delegates traveling this summer. There will be energizers, games and lots of fun!!! Please bring a picnic dish for 8-12 Village: Bring an appetizer, Step Up, Interchange: Bring an entrée, JCs, Seminar and Youth Camp: Bring dessert…

Fall Mini-camp

This year’s Mini-Camp Planning Committee is working hard to create an exciting and unforgettable weekend!  The program is primarily developed and led by our Junior Branch members with oversight from our designated adult chaperones.  There will be more information about the theme of this Mini-Camp in a forthcoming email with “Pre-camp” documents. Per CISV general…

CISV In Motion Conference

CISV National will hold its annual National Board Meeting (NBM), the National Youth Board Meeting (NYBM), and the CISV In Motion Conference from from October 18th to the 21st in Dearborn, Michigan.  The conference will be held at The Edward Convention Center, 600 Town Center Dr. Dearborn, MI 48126 The NYBM has a maximum of ten youth participants…

Programs Information Session

CISV is for all ages! https://youtu.be/hjARRVbVHok   Come to our Programs Information Session to learn about CISV, our NY Chapter and programs (both domestic and international) that we offer as an organization. Our first open house will be held on November 10th between 1:00pm - 4:00pm. Please bring your children for special CISV activities. To maintain the long-term…

Chapter Development Meeting

All members are invited, please contact cisv@newyork.cisvusa.org for exact location.

CISV NY Holiday Party

Please bring your family's favorite Holiday Dish & a Toy for the JB's Toy Drive! RSVP by clicking this link The event will be held at a private home in Harlem. Exact address will be sent to the email that you list in your RSVP a week in advance! *Please note that there is limited space. Please…

First Interview Session for International Programs

Please contact program chairs below for the exact meeting location. We will meet in a private home in Harlem.   Village: villageNY@cisvusa.org. Interchange: interchangeNY@cisvusa.org. Step Up: stepupNY@cisvusa.org. Junior Counselor: jcNY@cisvusa.org. Youth Meeting: ymNY@cisvusa.org.

Trip to American Natural History Museum

Our JB (Junior Branch) planned a trip to American Natural History Museum as their January activity. Everyone in the chapter is welcome! Meet on the north side of the building at 1:00pm. Admission is free, but bring any money for personal things you may want to purchase. Make sure to eat before. No food is…