Family Orientation for Summer Programs

Join us and meet your delegation. All delegates for summer programs and their family must attend. Allocate at least two hours for this meeting.

2019 Spring mini-camp

At CISV New York Minicamps, we learn the attitudes, skills, and knowledge we need to become active global citizens by doing activities and having conversations that are relevant to the world we live in. ...And we love to be silly, sing songs, play games, and make friends while we do it! Minicamp is March 15-17, and open to all kids 10+. REGISTER HERE…

CISV New York @ Human Rights Watch

Join us for an evening of cocktails and good eats directly after mini-camp drop-off! Once the kids are on their way to a fun weekend of activities and bonding, the adults of the chapter will mingle and enjoy a night out at the New York headquarters of Human Rights Watch in the Empire State Building,…

Mosaic Orientation & Interviews

For directions, click HERE Please note that each child must be accompanied by at least one adult, even if a parent cannot attend.    

Volunteer Orientation

We've made a decision, next year is going to be our BEST YEAR YET. We are going to grow our network, work with some amazing kids, and host more local/year round programming than we've ever done before! In order to make this dream a reality, we need to get started now!    In CISV, our…

Bon Voyage Party 2019

Our Annual Potluck BON VOYAGE! PARTY is on Sunday, June 23rd from 1:00pm-5:00pm. We will collectively wish good luck to all delegates traveling this summer. There will be energizers, games and lots of fun!!! Please bring a picnic dish for 8-12 Village: Bring an appetizer Step Up, Interchange: Bring an entrée JCs, Seminar and Youth Camp: Bring dessert…

CISV NY at World Pride

Pride Tote Bag Sale is here !!! CISV is marching in World Pride this year! Are you an LGBTQI+ CISVer, a CISV ally, or a friend of a CISVer who wants to march under our flag at World Pride? Come with us! Bring your family! Come from another chapter! Register here to march for LGBTQI+…

Cancelled – Spring Mini-camp 2020

Please be informed that the Spring Mini-camp was cancelled due to growing concerns about novel corona virus and its associated risks!  

Bon Voyage Party 2020

Our Annual Potluck BON VOYAGE! PARTY is on Sunday, May 31st from 1:00pm-4:30pm. We will collectively wish good luck to all delegates traveling this summer. There will be energizers, games and lots of fun!!! Please bring a picnic dish for 8-12 Village: Bring an appetizer Step Up, Interchange: Bring an entrée JCs, Seminar and Youth Camp:…