CISV educates and inspires action for a more just and peaceful world.
CISV is marching in World Pride this year! Are you an LGBTQI+ CISVer, a CISV ally, or a friend of a CISVer who wants to march under our flag at World Pride? Come with us! Bring your family! Come from another chapter!
Register here to march for LGBTQI+ liberation and celebration with CISV:
IMPORTANT NOTE: World Pride is not a party, and this is not a social event. It is a protest for human rights and social change with a decades-long history centering trans people of color. While World Pride is bound to be a fun event, please do not minimize its important history and mission by framing it as a party or inviting friends who are in any way anti-LGBTQI+.
More information about the meetup and logistics, as well as a Pride History and LGBTQI+ 101 infopack, will be distributed via email to everyone on the registration, so please register ASAP.
Kids 13 and under must be accompanied by an adult or sibling 16+.
Use of alcohol and drugs will not be permitted by anyone who marches with CISV NY. Anyone found with drugs or alcohol on their person or found to be intoxicated will be immediately asked to leave and to remove any clothing or accessories with a visible CISV logo.
Participation in this public event is at-will and has no cost, and CISV does not claim liability for anything that may occur before, during, or after World Pride.